Monday, May 31, 2021

Zehra KAYAALP - Fatma Aliye Science High School

We, project teachers met for the last time.Our journey has come to an end.A thousand thanks to all the involved teachers and studnets for their works and cooperation.We all did a great job together!

                    Final Meeting for Teachers          

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Levent PISIL-İluh Anatolian High School

 Meeting on Hope with Levent PISIL and Monica TRIF As Team 2 and Team 7 Hopers, We had our meeting on the topic of search for meaning and hope. It was a fruitful and hopeful!

Sunday, May 16, 2021


Hope Meeting on Zoom

Teams 2 and 7 had their Zoom meeting on May 14th at 8 pm. We were 10 people in the meeting, 10 being the symbol of responsability!😀

We had a friendly talk about HOPE for half an hour!

Some of the questions asked were:

1. What are the benefits of hope?

2. Is hope the same as optimism?

3.What are some common barriers to hope?

4. Which are your goals for the future! etc.

The students were open and sincere. They proved to be hopeful! Some have great goals for the future, other was just simple things, like having a nice family and being good people!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Zehra KAYAALP-Fatma Aliye Science High School

 We are going to talk Hope online as our last theme activity with students.Here are the online meeting dates.


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Zehra Kayaalp- Fatma Aliye Science High School

 All teams  will work on Cospaces to create their existentialist world.And as team 1 we, we have started working!

Here is the Cospaces tutorial

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


“Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance.”

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

This is the part teachers should play in the students' lives! 

 In search for the meaning of life!

An interesting topic for reflexion and discussion!

I was curious to see what the students think about it! Some believe that the meaning of life is to be able to be yourself! Most of them haven't found the exact meaning of life yet. They are still searching!

I liked what they said about the goals they set for finding the meaning of life: thinking positively, being inquisitive, not giving up, doing reaserch and focusing on personal development.

All in all, this topic has proven once again how mature our students are at such a young age!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Zehra Kayaalp - Fatma Aliye Science High School

 We were invited to the 12th eTwinning National Conferance in Antalya 1-3 March with our project Human Odyssey, the Path to Existentialism (...