Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Zehra Kayaalp - Fatma Aliye Science High School

 We were invited to the 12th eTwinning National Conferance in Antalya 1-3 March with our project Human Odyssey, the Path to Existentialism (HOPE)✨🥳🎉a

Many thanks to our project partners and students who worked very hard. We are great together😊

Saturday, November 13, 2021

                              Korina Dritseli/ 1st Senior High School of Aghios Dimitrios                                 

                                      Our National and European Quality Labels

     Congratulations to all partners for the collaboration on such a cross-functional and amazing project! 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

 Levent PISIL - İluh Anatolian High School

Many thanks to our hardworking partners and students!


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Zehra Kayaalp-Fatma Aliye Science High School

My students were presented with  their PUPIL QUALITY LABELS for the amazing work during the project.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

Zehra KAYAALP-Fatma Aliye Science High School

 Turkey National Supporter Service arranged a meeting in Batman

We presented our project at 24-25 June Batman eTwinning Contact Meeting. From Turkey National Supporter Service  Dr. Hülya BAL, Ertan KOCABAŞ, Zühal KAZANCI, Rumeysa CRIST and Batman Director of Education Mahmut KURTARAN  joined the meeting.


Monday, June 14, 2021

Zehra KAYAALP-Fatma Aliye Science High School


Guests' Project Evaluation

We asked volunteer guests to visit our project and add their comments on Forum.Here are some of the comments they left there.

Züleyha Arslan - English teacher

It’s so nice to see a project dealing with concepts like love, identity and freedom. We need to connect with nature somehow. Good to see students working on that.


Ezgi Polat /Mersin Üniversitesi Doktora Öğrencisi /Felsefe Öğretmeni

Pandemi döneminde insan yaşamının anlamını sorgulayan ve "umut" vadeden bir proje oldu. emeği geçen herkese teşekkürler.


Yasemin ÖNCÜ, PhD, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University/ Parent

A project full of HOPE. 


Elena Bindean-English Teacher/ ROMANIA

You have dealt with a very bold topic, such as Existentialism! Still you have managed to make this topic approachable through the tasks given to the students! Well done!


Mehmet Emin AYDIN Fatma Aliye Fen Lisesi Okul Müdürü / Batman

Böyle çarpıcı ve güzel bir projede yer alan herkesi tebrik ederim. Başaraılarının devam etmesini dilerim


Paula-Ioana BOZDOG- Colegıul Tehnıc "Vıctor Ungureanu" Principal/ Romania

 "I am very proud that our school is involved in such an interesting project! I have always supported European projects because I could see their benefits on our students and the teachers involved! Congratulations to everyone involved!"


Ali Demir / Parent

Bizim küçüklere gelecek için umut getirmesi ve geleceğimizi umutlarla şekillendirmesi umuduyla...


Halis Berk, Mechanical Engineer/ Parent

A very nice project showing the cooperation of seven countries.


Gülistan Ayhan, Nurse / Parent

Avrupa ülkelerinin ortaklığı ile umut üzerine farklı temaların tartışıldığı ve paylaşıldığı, ayrıntılı bir şekilde hazırlandığı çok verimli bir proje. Özellikle özgürlük temasında günümüzde sıkıntı yaşadığımız alanlarda güzel vurgular yapılmış. 


Nagehan RÜZGAR-eTwinning Ambassador

Hello dear eTwinners.I am Batman eTwinning Ambassador in Turkey.I had the opportunity to review your project.Chosen as one of the best subjects to study in the 16-19 age group.The subject of the project is quite original and remarkable.The project is very well organized and executed by students and teachers.I am sure that students' interest in philosophy has increased with this project.When we examine the project, we can see what this project has contributed to the students.Congratulations to the heroes of this successful project.Of course, first of all, your amazing students:) 'Cause there's student marks everywhere.Congratulations to all the teachers who contributed to the project.Good luck dear eTwinner...

Nagehan R

Mahmut KURTARAN-Batman Milli Eğitim Müdürü

eTwinning faaliyeti öğrencilerimizin hem ülkemizden hem Avrupa'dan yaşıtlarıyla iletişim kurma farklı kültürleri tanıma yabancı dilleri kullanma girişimcilik işbirliği ve takım çalışması yapma gibi birçok 21. yüzyıl becerilerinin geliştirilmesin de katkı sağlamıştır 


Zehra Kayaalp - Fatma Aliye Science High School

 We were invited to the 12th eTwinning National Conferance in Antalya 1-3 March with our project Human Odyssey, the Path to Existentialism (...